
Last modified by Андрей Калиновский on 2023/04/26 10:59

This report displays summary data on mileage, engine hours, fuel by flights for the selected period of time. You can get summary information about the trip of an object for a period, broken down by days.

The calculation of the data in the table occurs for those periods of time when the movement of the vehicle is detected or the ignition sensor is active, if any. 


The table in this report contains the following columns:

  • Object - object name;
  • Start - date and time of the start of the flight;
  • End - date and time of the end of the flight;
  • Duration - the duration of the flight;
  • Mileage, km. - the distance traveled by the vehicle during the trip;
  • Engine hours - the duration of the engine of the selected vehicle during a certain trip;
  • Movement, time - shows the time at which the vehicle was in motion;
  • Stop, time - the total time of stops of the vehicle;
  • Stop, pcs. - the number of stops made by the vehicle;
  • Idling, time - idle time of equipment with the engine running;
  • Idling, pcs. - the number of downtimes of the car with the engine running;
  • Fuel consumption, l. - fuel consumption calculated according to data from the fuel level sensor;
  • Consumption of fuels and lubricants (flowing), l. - fuel consumption calculated according to data from a sensor of the Fuel consumption type;
  • Consumption of fuel and lubricants In motion, l. - fuel consumption excluding fuel consumption at idle;
  • Consumption of fuel and lubricants at idle, l. - consumption of fuels and lubricants during the operation of the engine during the parking of the equipment;
  • Consumption (motor hours), l. - fuel consumption for the entire period of time while the engine was running;
  • Average consumption of fuel and lubricants by engine hours, l/h. - fuel consumption calculated relative to the engine running time;
  • Consumption, l / 100km. - fuel consumption per 100 km. mileage,  calculated from the value of the norm "Normal consumption per 100 km, l .;
  • Consumption at the rate l/h,l - fuel consumption calculated at the rate, the rate of consumption is indicated in the properties of the object in the " Rates " tab;
  • Normal consumption. Idling l/h, l. - fuel consumption calculated according to the norm while the engine is running while the equipment is parked;
  • Starting address - the address where the vehicle was at the beginning of the trip;
  • End address - the address where the vehicle was at the end of the trip;

After that comes the final table, which contains all the summarized data for the selected objects.




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